
The Lame Little Deer and it’s Lesson

Everyday, four does and their four babies come right by my front window on their “daily path” to check out my bird seed in feeders and on the ground. Bringing up the rear is one buck. There used to be either a young one…

Stripe or Solid?

What happens when stripe and solid meet? Take a man who is stable, steady, sturdy, sound and substantial. He is stalwart in character. He is consistently humble. He is as genuine as they come. He is filled with intelligence, diligence and honor. His heart…

Tunneling Through the Process of Writing a Memoir

All words and activities between Jim and I involved laughter and love. I decided to include most of the over 1,000 actual emails Jim had saved on his smartphone proving our deep relationship. It took me more than two months just to transfer all…

Behind the Scenes of My New Book, “My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz”

I never thought there was a man like Jim Kennedy. As soon as we started communicating, I knew there was something very special about this man. When we met it started a whirlwind of love, belly-hurting laughter and drama and I knew I had…