
Behind the Scenes of My New Book, “My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz”

bookI never thought there was a man like Jim Kennedy. As soon as we started communicating, I knew there was something very special about this man. When we met it started a whirlwind of love, belly-hurting laughter and drama and I knew I had to write a true book about this incredibly intelligent scientist with amazing wit and humor and an intense love for his work, his family, his wife and his God. Showing Jim’s humility and character were my main reasons for writing this book.

I originally was going to write a book about all my many over-50-years-old dating experiences titled, You Are So Write For Me, but when I met Jim, that all changed.

I am the only one who has the more than 1,000 original e-mails between Jim and me. I wrote this book to honor Jim the man, his humility, his achievements and his character. This is a man who needs to be remembered and honored! This is what drove me to write this book. What an incredible man! It was worth the fifteen months of joy and pain to write this book.

This book opens up the most personal relationship between a man and a woman through the wooing of top veterinarian Dr. Jim Kennedy and his attempts to break down the impenetrable shields I had put up from a lifetime of hurt, trauma and loneliness. I searched and waited and prayed for my “cowboy knight” and through divine intervention and a Christian dating website met Jim, and our life together is detailed with love dripping off of almost every page.

We all have burdens but some of us get an excess amount. So I have had my universal struggles of life, but also have had to persevere extraordinary circumstances. A strict and traumatic childhood, a failed marriage, five major surgeries on one of my children, church and family betrayals, death of the closest loved ones, and five total joint replacements on myself (alone) within three years are just a few of the challenges I have endured.

Before I met Jim, I wanted to give up. Then I heard about a horse named “Hero,” at a horse rescue ranch in Bend, Oregon. Someone had shot him and left him for dead in the wilderness. With his eyeball hanging out, a horrendously infected leg, losing most of his blood and body weight, he struggled to stand to just survive. He was found and rescued and now is a testimony to Ephesians 6:13…”and having done everything to stand firm.” This horse gave me the encouragement I needed to go on…If a beat up, left-for-dead horse can stand and try to survive, I surely can, I determined. After all the years since then, I finally got to meet Hero the horse the summer of 2013. It was awesome putting my arms around this one-eyed but beautiful horse and telling him I was sorry for his pain and thanking him for helping me through a rough time.

My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz is a true story, a romance, a dreams-do-come true documented journey.

I will stand, I will survive, I choose hope.



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