
Book Reviews

April 04, 2022

Barbara, I finished your book a couple of days ago. I bought it because of two words you left on my FB page on March 23, 2022: “I understand.” I had been to my son’s grave at the VA cemetery and placed a flower bouquet on his grave, which was one year after he passed from cancer. He was 3 weeks shy of his 45th birthday. I posted the picture on FB. Although we have been FB friends for a while, we have not regularly communicated. Your two words led me to your page, and I discovered the book you wrote in honor of your husband. I downloaded it to my Kindle. What a beautiful, yet poignant tribute to Jim; and the amazing, short-lived love you two shared. A fictional Christian inspirational love story (like I write) could never compete with the God given love you two possessed. I particularly liked the opening in which you shared how online dating was such a disaster for you, that is until you met Jim. I laughed with you two, and my heart broke for you when he was called home. You and Jim were such an inspiration, especially for those praying for a second chance at love. God bless you, Barbara. Warmest regards, Saundra Staats McLemore”

Review by Deborah Ruttenberg, February 1, 2022.

I understand what you wrote is a true love story. The style of writing forming the words to catch the readers mind is a gift. I am a book reader, have been all my life. From classics to poetry. Your story flowed easily. I was caught up within the first 4 paragraphs. A real love story.


Stephens College review www.barbaraakennedy.com/media-events


5 Star – A Woman’s Eternal Love for God & Her Cowboy Knight, Her Boaz – August 12, 2020. | Review by Sherri-Nations Wisdom

Hi sweet Barbara.

I just finally read your book and am at the end of it. I have laughed & I have cried with you. I’m so thankful that I got to share in your love story & so happy you wrote a book of your love for your “Jimmykins.” I have to say I am completely torn up and heartbroken. I don’t want to make you cry, but wanted you to know that I feel like I know you & Jim. Such a beautiful Godly love between y’all and knowing that God brought y’all together, is just so beautiful. I don’t understand why so many precious women of God, have lost their loves, their soul mates. My Momma & Mom in law, lost theirs, too. You are so precious and so loved by Jesus. I pray that the Lord will just love on you every second of the day and that He comforts you continually every day.

I’m just so torn up. Love you sister in Christ and hope your days are filled with happiness and laughter again. I loved y’alls laughter & y’all had me belly laughing so much. I love to laugh too and your love story has definitely touched my life in a wonderful way……because I got to share in just a bit of y’alls beautiful blessed life. Thank you so much for writing a book which represents your eternal love for God & your Jimmy. I pray that I didn’t make you cry. Have a blessed day.

“klcorner 5 Star www.Amazon.com A love story like no other. December 24, 2013 Verified Purchase What a blessing this was for me to read. I couldn’t put it down. I started reading last night and finished this morning. Thank you for your vulnerability. Merry Christmas Barb. Know you will be in my thoughts and prayers this December 31st, 2013″

“Lilly 5 star www.Amazon.com A true love story put in place by God January 21, 2014 Verified Purchase This book is a love story about a man and a woman who trusted God for a mate. They found each other through a Christian dating website. You feel privileged to read their beginning emails to each other and other emails later on in their courtship. This book had a renewing effect on me regarding my faith in God. This story reminded me to trust in God. COMPLETELY. A very good read. An emotional book.”

“Yvie 5 star www.Amazon.com Verified Purchase It opened my eyes & broke down my walls May 20, 2014 This book has touched me so deeply. The way the author shared her treasured emails between the love of her life and herself was priceless. Because of her book I have taken a chance on finding my Boaz. My walls were up and I was unwilling to let anyone in. This book touched me to the core. Thank you Barbara for being transparent enough to share your life with us.”

“onlyHischild A Godsend www.Amazon.com January 23,2019 The FIRST time I read Barbara’s book I was in the midst of what I thought was my own God ordained love story, and I could see so many comparisons between the prior failed marriage and the hope of ever finding a love based on Faith in the Giver of Life. I went so far as to highlight passages, and write down my observations while absorbing what I thought at the time was a parallel of my ‘story’ with the ‘love of my life.’ I was encouraged to write my own by others as it wasn’t the usual meeting and courtship. However, once I finished her book, I realized her & Jim’s meeting, courtship, and marriage was a once in a lifetime God given Blessing. My own couldn’t be compared and wasn’t God ordained. It was merely an illusion. The SECOND time I read her book I cried a whole lot more for the pure love and devotion they both had for each other. When two people fully & completely have turned their life & relationship over to God, He allows amazing things to happen, to be yet another example of what could be in anyone’s life IF their hearts are open to the possibilities. Barbara’s book is an inspiration. Pure and simple. Although their life together ended with Jim’s death, their story will never end. I’m rereading for the THIRD time right now. There’s so much hope and lessons to be learned through her writing. I started reading in 2014, and failed to express my deepest understanding of her book so I put off writing a review. I couldn’t possibly add any astounding truths to any of the 5 star reviews the others have already said, yet I will say this is a must read for anyone who hasn’t ‘found’ their own love story, and for those who still have Hope in our Lord to provide a Boaz of their own. Her book has given me a measure of discernment that was lacking in my own story, as well as a deepened Faith. God has a purpose for each of us. Barbara’s book does NOT disappoint regardless how often I read.”

“Kimberly Russell 5 Star www.Amazon.com A Roller Coaster Read Verified Purchase February 19, 2014 Get ready for a crazy ride filled with joy, tears, grief, and pain. Barbara and Jim’s story exemplifies the beauty of never settling for less than God’s best. In a poignantly, honest account, this love story gives me hope. There are Boazes out there. And they are worth waiting for.”

“Sharon Beth Brani (Board Certified Master Life Coach & Certified Strengths Coach) 5 Star www.Amazon.com Highly recommend April 5, 2019 What a treasure this book is! I’m grateful to the author for sharing her story – for taking the reader into precious parts of her life. Beginning with her struggles and leading the reader to know her Boaz, this book is filled with lessons and encouragement. God still works the miraculous for His Purpose. I rejoiced as her romance unfolded and I wept as it seemed to end much too soon. But God’s Love is never over – it just took a different turn. Written with heart and compassion, she helped us know not only her experience but also her heart. I highly recommend this book to others who might be surprised and disappointed in life. It’s a pearl continuing to be polished.”

Baxter Black, cowboy poet, former large animal veterinarian and entertainer of the agricultural masses: All I can say is that sometimes you write something and it takes on a life of its own. Your book showed us that. I know about losing someone you love. Quick and easy or long and anguished.God bless you,


5 Star www.Amazon.com Review
Deborah A. Springer, Grand Junction, CO December 15, 2015

My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz is a tender account of mended hearts which demonstrates that it’s never too late to be surprised by love. Barbara courageously shares her personal struggle and pain and while many in her circumstances would be tempted to be distant from God, she shows that even throughout the dark trials of life you can run to the Lord! I was inspired, encouraged and delighted to peek into Barbara’s life for a brief moment. I had known Barbara for many years and had lost touch, but so glad to be friends with such a kind and compassionate woman of God! Thank you Barb for sharing your story!

5 Star www.Amazon.com review
Joy Threlkeld Aurora, CO November 10, 2015

Inspiring story is a form of worship and testament of gratefulness for God’s blessings.
Not only great reading for couples, and those who want to cherish memories of their spouses, but also a gripping book for friends, family, neighbors and those in the ministry! The way this husband and wife connect, glorifies Christ their Lord and Savior. Their unique writing of communicating by internet and the record of it in these pages, makes the book compelling, honest and fun reading. The inspiring story the author recounts is truly a form of worship and a testament of gratefulness to God for His blessings. The faith, understanding and wisdom Barb Kennedy exhibits throughout her journey here, eliminates skepticism and unbelief, even though she endures mournful circumstances. Beautiful love letters, humor and prayers highlight this brilliant resource on overcoming loss.

October 11, 2015 Goodreads-5 Star review www.Amazon.com
by Alma Marie Ducharme, Bismarck, N. Dakota

My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz” took me on a journey of hope, loss and sadness. Barbara’s prayer to Jesus for the right man, a true Christian gentleman at that was answered in a special way through a website. What followed was the most spiritually pure and romantic emails and texts and a meeting and a marriage. Jim’s untimely death left a sting on Barbara’s heart. You can feel the loss she felt through her words. I have never believed in dating websites but God used this as a means to show Barbara just how important and valuable she is to Him through blessing her with Jim Kennedy. It gave me a sense of hope that Father God does truly hear the words of a broken heart and broken life.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com


The amazing romance that occurred in such a short time was … review by Nancy Stevenson, Parker, CO June 24, 2015“This book touched my heart as I walked through the author’s journey with her. The amazing romance that occurred in such a short time was a testament that God truly answers prayer in ways we can’t even imagine. I felt so personally connected to the story that at times it felt as though I was looking in a window of her home. It’s a wonderful encouragement to anyone who is struggling through the trenches of grief and sorrow and a beautiful tribute to the love of her life, Dr. James Kennedy.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com

Amazing Story of God’s Amazing Love & Timing review by Yvonne March 16, 2015“Amazing story of God’s love and perfect timing. God bless you Barbara-you will definitely be with Jim in Heaven! Thank you for sharing.”

4 Star www.Amazon.com “Lovely and Sad” Carol Ann Erhardt (Author) April 30, 2015

“This book follows the love story of Barbara and Jim through emails and times spent together before and after marriage. True love is beautiful and consuming. The loss of true love through death is grief unending, though it does ease with time. Reading this brought back the happiness and the pain I shared with my one true love. He is in Heaven as is Jim. Perhaps they have met. May God bless this author and continue to heal her.”

“Reading this book left me numb at times and I felt as if I was right there with you. Your darling Jim, a wonderful man. You were perfect together and he will always be part of your heart. I cried some, you had such a short time together but definitely time fulfilled. Anyone who reads your story should be able to understand the LOVE & DEEP CARING you two had for each other. You two were deeply blessed to come together when you did ! It was meant to be!

June L. J. Jones, Alberta, Canada

Statement by Shelley Davis Mills, Highlands Ranch, CO (facebook post, 8/11/2014) – used by permissionAugust 11, 2014″I am really blown away by your book. I would like to do a review on it. I am not done reading it yet but I can see so much of Jesus in Jim and how he pursued you and you slowly trusting Jim and allow the love he had for you work on your fragile heart and well protected heart. It is profound, heartache and makes us me think why and how could this be. It is truly a love of a life time.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com review by Shelley Davis, Highlands Ranch, CO August 11, 2014“It was a real live story played out just like Jesus’ love for us. Jesus sees our brokenness and pursues us anyway. I was very inspired by this book that there is still true and pure love out there in such a cold world.”

July 28, 2014 Kim McNeese Washington, Indiana

“Barbara Kennedy’s book, My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz is one of the most touching and moving love stories you will ever read! The faith these two have in Jesus is just amazing and the way Barbara honors her ‘Cowboy Knight and Boaz’ will bring tears to your eyes! Loved it! A must read!”

5 Star www.Amazon.com“One woman’s own shocking grief observed” Cye Gray (Raleigh, NC) June 10, 2014

“A word of warning: Barbara is one of those rare and winsome souls who will steal your heart early on in this book. As she candidly bares the heartaches and yearnings of her hard life, you will be thinking as did I, “now this is somebody who badly needs a break in life.” And the more you read, the more you will want something good to happen for Barbara.

The bulk of the book is devoted to the big break that did indeed finally come through for Barb. His name was Dr. James Kennedy and he was everything she had been yearning for her whole life. A true Prince Charming, he saw the beauty, warmth and brilliance residing in the shadows of her protective shell and sets out on a mission to bring the real Barbara to the forefront. And the neat thing is we get a front row seat to watch him work his magic of wooing and romancing her until she is able to love him back with reckless abandonment. They get married and things seem to be lining up nicely for the “happily ever after” ending we want so badly. But alas, she suddenly catches the worst break imaginable: she loses her Boaz.

There is no way to sugar coat the agony of what it’s like to lose your soul mate so soon after finding them. Not since CS Lewis wrote of his own loss just 4 years after marrying Joy Davidman late in life, have I read anything so gut wrenching. But just as in the case of Lewis’ book, we are not left without hope. In spite of it all, we can sense that everything is going to be alright for Barb. And no small part of our optimism is that we can easily see that Jim left Barbara in much better shape than when he found her. The once shy, beaten down woman who was afraid to look anyone in the eye is today the beautiful, outgoing and quietly confident person she was always meant to be. Somehow, I believe the best is yet to come for her. That’s my take on Barb and Jim’s story. But as in any book well worth reading, the real treasure is in the details. I highly commend My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz…

5 Star www.Amazon.com“It opened my eyes and broke down my walls.” Yvonne Boeckel, Milwaukie, Orgeon.

“This book has touched me so deeply. The way the author shared her treasured emails between the love of her life and herself was priceless. Because of her book I have taken a chance on finding My Boaz. My walls were up and I was unwilling to let anyone in. This book touched me to the core. Thank you Barbara for being transparent enough to share your life with us.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com “More than a love story” May 24, 2014

“When you read this book, this love story, you will find that it’s more than about a man and a woman falling in love. It is about how when anyone endures pain and sorrow by turning to Jesus Christ allowing His light and love to give a person strength and be a positive witness for Him. Life’s struggles come to us all and it is in our choices we make in facing them that reveal who we really are and in what and on whom we believe. Some choose to believe in themselves and their own strength; some don’t believe in anything and give up and follow nothing except a life’s path of pain and despair … and then there are those like Barbara Kennedy that knows the Lord and leans on Him. Her story of hardship, pain, love and a new start is more than a love story between Barbara and James – it’s about a love story between Barbara, James and Jesus Christ. If you want to be inspired and also learn some answers to the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” – then you need to read this book.”

4 Star www.Amazon.com What a journey” … May 30, 2014 June Goddard (Colorado, USA

“I became immediately engrossed in this book. Without giving away anything about the story, I am going through my own grief experience and found many parts of the book that I could relate to. At first I felt like I was intruding into a very personal relationship. The emotions are powerful and raw and the journey keeps you turning pages. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Barbara.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com “Beautiful, this book took me thru all the ranges of emotion … broke down my own shields …”
May 26, 2014 By Mary Ryan Cherry

“This is a heartwarming tender love story … well written … I could imagine myself there. I have a Cowboy Knight in my life … God sent. Thank you for sharing your story Barbara Kennedy … your story of your own Cowboy Knight. Your book … your story … has taught me NOT to let my shields get in the way of life’s most pleasureable experience … LOVE … a life filled with love and laughter. You have reminded us to leave our shields behind and to live in the moment … and make treasured memories.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com review by Rodger Capron Springfield, Vermont March 21, 2014

“Barbara’s Book”

“I just finished reading Barbara’s book. I enjoyed it, but there are many things that she and Jim shared that brought tears to my eyes. I don’t know how a person can survive going through what she has been through. Barbara, I wish the best for you.”

5 Star Amazon review www.Amazon.com sunnyinmt “sunnyinmt”, Plains, Montana “Wish I could give it more stars!!”

“I always read the negative reviews first and was truly shocked to read NOT a review of the book but of the author, and it was slanderous at that! So, after reading it, I felt I must share how this book helped me when I was at one of the lowest points of my life. My dear husband died suddenly 18 months ago and as I read Barbara’s book my heart just about burst with the kind of love she found in her Jim.

There were laughs at the beginning as she started back into the dating scene, but then to follow her romance and marriage to her Boaz was a love story of profound beauty. They experienced something few married couples ever do and I would say this book should be required reading for those contemplating the rest of their lives together! It moved me to tears, and would be a very good for couples to see what it means to truly cherish someone!”

4 Star Amazon review www.Amazon.com

“Very Powerful Love Story by Joan Dawson”

“This is a very powerful book and hard to put down. It touched me deeply and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read how two people who have a deep relationship with God can be put together in an astonishing way even just for a short time. How great that Barbara kept all the emails so we could see how their romance blossomed in their own words and then she could put them together for this book. It truly honored her Jim, who was a great man of faith.”

5 Star www.Amazon.com review by Henry Kman – April 12, 2014

“Extremely Helpful to Those Grieving”

“Stuck in a nearly black grief pit? Read this true love story (and so much more) to escape the pit with God at your side. I lost the love of my life months ago after 25 years of married bliss and felt I could not or would not want to find another. In the book, for example, I found words I should have said to my wife on her deathbed but didn’t know how. This unique, intimately touching book has changed me immensely. I have sobbed and cried (NOT me) while reading and was elated and hopeful in just a few pages. I choose to move towards the dazzling light of a new life with hope, faith, expecting new love, peace and positive actions. I am now willing to risk hurt for the kind of love Jim and Barbara shared. Expect closure, a new perspective on your loss and appreciation that God loves you and gave you the love of your life for a while. We are using this book in a group I facilitate, discussed the book in my grief group, and I ordered an extra book today to immediately loan. May buy more for each in the grief group. I thank Barbara Kennedy, the author, for sharing their actual “love letters” and writing this exceptional book to honor Dr. Jim Kennedy. Its great that ALL the proceeds from this book will go to help animals via a veterinary organization.”

5 Star www.amazon.com by Anon

“Encouraging story of a love story written by the Author of our Faith!”

“This book spoke to me in ways I can’t express! So neat to see how the Lord used both Jim and Barb’s circumstances, life and faith and bring all those things together for a short sweet time in both of their lives! So encouraging!”

4 Star www.amazon.com review by Donna Gillispie March 16, 2014

“Very Inspirational”

“Loved this book … easy read and very inspirational. I went to Stephens College with the author which made all that much more personal.”

4 Star www.amazon.com review by Petal

“Wonderful writing”

“Barb wrote a delightful story about her love. This was a great way to honor her husband. I have never read anything like it before.”

5 Star Amazon.com review by Greg Rud “An Epic Love Story and ‘How to Love, Guide’ for anyone in a relationship! Five Stars!!! “

This is not a “romance novel” but it is a love story, which should naturally attract women. Why should a man read this book? Prior to reading this, I really had no idea how to treat a woman, a wife especially. Maybe that’s why I have never been married at 52. I needed to have a mentor, A Cowboy Knight! Dr. James Kennedy was that mentor for me. Thank you for showing me how to live life, treat a woman and be a good husband, Sir! I learned a lot by reading this book and my girlfriend has noticed a difference as well. I have asked her to read it and I said it was important for us to be on the same page. I also wanted her to see how a good woman, a Princess, treats her man too. It is an excellent marriage primer.

The first 3/4 of this book is a magical and heartwarming story about two of the most honest, loving, kindhearted and devoted Christians you would ever want to meet. They both come from midwest country life, and are college educated. They both experience loss of partners, Jim’s wife earlier that year from illness, and Barb’s ended a few years earlier because of a bad marriage. These two lonely souls meet using an online dating service and the fireworks fly, just like in the TV show “Love America Style.” The emails express their devotion to God, always using Him as their guide. They are also humorous, innocent but very loving, and they finally agree to meet. Both live in the same state, her in the big city, and he in the country. And after several perfect weekends together, Jim proposes. They marry less than two months after meeting online. She throws care to the wind and moves to him. A formal wedding is set about a month after they say their vows, but a few days before the ceremony Barb is struck down by a tragic and crippling fall from the top of a staircase leading to the bedroom. She is nearly killed by the fall and breaks her pelvis and her wrist. She spends a week hospitalized and has to spend many more weeks on the couch in the living room recovering. Jim, who is embracing her one evening, says he believes her fall was result of a “spiritual attack.” We can assume, because the book is a tribute to the man, that Jim encounters some tragic ending as well. It has taken all my will power not to jump to the end of the book to find out.

Upon finishing this, I feel just stunned, like I had my heart ripped out of my chest. I am still trying to process everything that I read. You are a very gifted writer, Barbara Kennedy. I was drawn right into your house and seemed to watch, like a fly on the wall, as it all transpired. The trauma and heartbreak you described afterwards was very emotional too. This book stands as a beautiful testament to the man and your once-in-a-lifetime love. All things are God’s design, even those things we don’t understand or cause us so much pain. You and Jim are both still actively fulfilling a purpose. Your book, “My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz” will live for eternity, as an example and testament for others, of devotion to God and one another. How bout that? How many couples can say that? By risking it all and baring your most intimate experiences and personal life, you have created an epic love story! One of biblical proportions, in my opinion. And dubbed a few more Cowboy Knights and helped many a married couple. Thank you, Barbara Kennedy, for writing this book! What’s more, all royalties from the book are being donated to veterinarian organizations around the world, that alone makes this book a worthy one to read!

5 Star www.Amazon.com review from Deborah Arnold, Leesburg, VA

“I am sadly and shockingly stunned into silence”…, March 10, 2014

This week I read your book – your journal of the love shared between you and your extraordinary husband, Dr. James A. Kennedy, and I am sadly and shockingly stunned into silence, self-reflection and deep meditation by the brevity of your intense time together. Thank God you both took the giant leap of faith into matrimony which unwittingly allowed you to spend every second you could together in the remaining time Dr. Kennedy had left on this earth!!

I’ve always felt throughout my life, the excitement of NOT knowing what you might run into – just around the next corner – at any unexpected moment of your life – whether it’s in the present year or 25 years down the road. And your love story is an incredible example of this. But then to have found it only to have it yanked away so quickly seems to leave you somewhere in between this life and the next. Your body is in this world, but your heart and mind are in a space far from here unable to cross over to pursue the one you love.

Who could ever imagine, at any point in your life of struggle and pain, or in any moment of Dr. Kennedy’s extraordinary career, that the two of you would someday meet many many years down the line – ONLINE – and in the later years of your lives. AND be thrown head over hells into a whirlwind romance and beautiful love story??? The odds of your meeting and the surprise and welcoming of this unexpected event are nothing short of a miracle and it still sends shivers down my spine!!!

How could anyone ever imagine that this shy, eyes-lowered, lacking in self-confidence woman in her fifties would find her way into the arms and heart of this prestigious, honored and revered man who would hold her up above all others, and cherish her and love her – unconditionallly; and whom she would be the one person in all of this big wide world who he would spend the limited time he had left on this earth with as the light and love of his life – bringing him more joy and happiness, laughter and magnetic and alluring companionship than his highly developed mind could ever dream of experiencing???

No one could predict this. You were divinely brought together and by faith you were joined as husband and wife and experienced the elation of a great love that many can only dream of. Even though it was to be for only one shining moment in time, its effects will last for a lifetime. You will now walk with confidence, with eyes raised and head held high – because you were SO VERY LOVED – and not just loved by anyone in particular, but by this MOST amazing, illustrious man!! Your eyes will forever sparkle with the memories of the love you shared with your extraordinary husband. He will still hear your laughter, and you his. A connection that strong will always find a way to touch. Look for the signs.

Your story is indeed inspiring, passionate and provokes deep thought – and action can no longer be denied in the many lives you will touch and inspire. God bless you, Barbara. You are an amazing and strong woman and I am grateful that you shared your deeply personal story. Changes have already begun in my life…Deborah Arnold

3/3/2014 Kathy Archer, Plano, Texas

“I just finished the most incredible book about the most heart-warming and heart-breaking love story I think I have ever read. You must read the book by Barbara A. Kennedy. She wrote My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz. You will laugh, cry and have so much joy in your heart, but you will truly see what true love can be. If you never read another book, you must read this one! I asked my husband, Bill, and he said write another book!”

Shirley Rembold, Gresham, Oregon, 5 Star www.Amazon.com review

“Funny, Sad, Comforting and Inspiring”
“Last night I finished reading My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz by Barbara A. Kennedy. I was so moved by it, I was at a loss for words for awhile. I’m so thankful to her for sharing this powerful account of her life with James A. Kennedy (her beloved “Jim”). I laughed, cried, felt comforted and inspired, and so very sorry for the incredible physical and emotional pain she’s endured! What a far reaching impact this book will have, and what a powerful testament to the kind of human love that can only come from God. Reading this book was incredibly therapeutic! It was the most inspiring thing I’ve read in a very long time, and it’s impact will remain with me always.”

James Nussbaum, Aurora, Colorado, 5 Star www.Amazon.com review

“A Man’s Perspective”

“I lost my beloved wife to cancer a year ago and thought that reading MY COWBOY KNIGHT, MY BOAZ, written by a wife who lost her beloved husband, might provide some insights for me. But the question I had was ……. would it be too mushy? Well, I found that a fair portion of the book is emails back and forth, which provide some very interesting perspectives. The “Cowboy Knight” had a very unique writing style, and conveys many interesting thoughts based on their strong Christian faith. I found that many times I had to re-read and re-read again a paragraph, or just a few lines, as they were so very thought provoking. I highly recommend the book to all the men who are wondering if it would be of interest and value to them.”

5 Star www.amazon.com review by Mrs. Sue Ann Ruschman, Arlington, Texas

“This book is a love story about a man and a woman who trusted God for a mate. They found each other through a Christian dating website.You feel privileged to read their beginning emails to each other and other emails later on in their courtship.

This book had a renewing effect on me regarding my faith in God. This story reminded me to trust in God. Completely.A very good read. An emotional book.”

5 Star www.amazon.com review “a true love story” by Tammy Hartley Earwood Rome, Georgia

“this story renewed my belief in true love and in God’s part in our lives and in our destinies. To have lived and loved in such a short time and to want to share that love with others is more than I can imagine being able to do.

thank you Barbara for a chance to see true love is not only for the young and that it happens in God’s time not ours. may your tomorrows be just as bright as your yesterdays and thank you for the laughter as well as the tears that fell.

your book passed the true test of a wonderful story, i felt as if i was there, as if you were my friend and i knew you personally, (as i feel i now do) and that there is always a reason we just don’t know it. may God keep you safe and lead you to the next step in his plan for you.”

Amazon 5 Star www.amazon.com review from Faye M. Miller, Stonecroft Ministries, Clatskanie, Oregon and owner of facebook page Hummingbird Haven (8,749 “likes” as of 1/20/2014) and friends (1,647 as of 1/20/2014) post

“I just finished Barbara’s book My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz. The best book I have read by far in a very long time! I am humbled to have been able to read about such a tremendous love affair between and man and a woman in it’s purity and power. This book has the ability to let you see the risk in loving obviously that you can also lose. But as I read in the last chapter would you go without the love to NOT experience the pain. A resounding NO, I would not have missed this journey with ‘my sailor my hunka fine man’ for anything.

There is but one relationship that because of it …our eternal relationship with Jesus, we can lay our loves down at the foot of the cross and know without a doubt that though they may not be able to come again to us, in this life, we can in deed go to them again.

So thank you Mrs. Jim Kennedy for sharing your ride with your cowboy knight. You make us treasure what we have in a new way and to simply take this day hold it with an open hand and love with all your heart the One who keeps our treasures laid up for us in Heaven’s Book.

Barbara and Jim you are God’s book being read by others who God leads to read it. If you are one of these take and read and share what you are given with others. Papa’s lessons are meant to be shared.”

Amazon 5 star review (www.amazon.com) – “A Real Life Romance Novel”

Keri Brehm, Church Staff Ministry Coordinator, Castle Pines, CO

I highly recommend this book! What a lovely memoir. I couldn’t put it down; I felt like I was in the story.

Barb has such an engaging and humorous approach to life. I found the true love story between Barb and Jim a real inspiration for how God-honoring our relationships can be. It makes me want to work harder to be like that in my own life and relationships.

This book reminds us to live every day to the fullest, and that our time here on earth is fleeting compared to eternity in heaven with our loving Savior Jesus Christ.

KC (Carol) Dierenfield, Founder and President of Reigning Peace Ministries and Certified Instructor for “Relational Wisdom 360”, Peacemaker Ministries.

facebook post, 1/5/2014:

finished My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz My Beloved Husband, James A. Kennedy, DVM, MS by Barbara A. Kennedy and gave it 5 stars.

This book is an amazing true love story of an incredible short lived marriage written by my dear friend, Barbara Voss Kennedy. Barbara and Jim Kennedy’s love for each other is beyond words!!

Make this a resolution to read her book and post a great review on Amazon. You will not be disappointed and the story will resonate in your mind and heart and will encourage you to love with the unconditional love of Christ that they had for each other.

A must read for 2014.

Barb, Everyone needs to read your book and receive the same blessing that I received!

Lynn Myers, Health Coach and Isagenix International representative, Franklin, Ohio.

Just finished your book. What an amazing love story cut so short. I am sooo sorry for your loss of your husband and for the love you so dearly had. I had to keep the Kleenex close. May GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS. I am so sorry I was not there to help you.

God works in many wonderful ways. I know someone who has strayed from God and claims to be an atheist. I told this person about the book you wrote and they want to read it. Pray that God will reveal Himself as they read your love story.

God and His love are in your book.

My heart was so glad for you when your found your dear Jim and words will never be able to say how I grieve with you in your loss. I learned so much about you that I did not know. Much love to you dear Barb.

I am blessed by reading your book.

Genashway, www.amazon.com, 5 Star – very moving testament to faith:

I was very moved after reading the book. The story remained in my mind for several days after completing this memoir. Barb has set out to honor her husband in the most loving way possible. God brought two special people together against all odds. The book was very readable, and it teaches us to live everyday to the fullest and never doubt that God has a special plan for us.

LoRee Peery, author of the “Frivolities Series,” www.loreepeery.com:

True love emerges through countless e-mails, truly a God-ordained relationship, thanks to online dating. Barbara A. Kennedy honors her husband James by sharing their romance.

I spent my Sunday afternoon reading this marvelous, meaningful, mushy story that did my heart good – a timeless testimony recorded through e-mails.

Started to cry when I “sang” mentally the words to “He.” I sang that as a solo when I was 12 or 13.

The reason I teared up is to think how much God loves you to shine through Jim so you could work on this book in order for the Lord to shine through you both.

As we hear from Revelation 4, we aren’t supposed to be seen. The glory and grace of God are the spotlight.

Another thing that struck was something Jim said in his e-mail to your brother on page 173… “if you were right with that person, the grieving is less”

Now I’m going to recommend this wonderful book on my Facebook page.

Mary Ellen Glenn, financial manager, Genesis Orthodontics, Lincoln, Nebraska:

I’m about half way through your beautiful book! WOW! I now better understand the heartache you had writing it, but I’m thankful to be able to have a glimpse into the precious days that you shared with Jim! He was indeed an answer to prayer, as indeed you were to him! I’m a slow reader, but give thanks that you persevered in writing it. Will continue to email as I read on-such a bittersweet story, but one of two faithful lovers of God whom He brought together for a season, albeit short!

Stephanie Karsting, co-owner Stonybrook Homes, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska:

You are a stronger woman than you give yourself credit for Barb! He would be so very proud of you!

Shirley Gunnufson, private pre-school teacher/Littleton public schools teacher, Littleton, Colorado:

I was inspired as I read your book of true love. Past blended into present and future tied together with special memories promoting unbelievable strength. Love sometimes ascends suddenly, with intensity for a lifetime. This book reacquaints us with a repeated message, ‘Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil—there is no point.’

This documented story leads imagination and vividness for a variety of ages, during different stages of life. Some relationships start at birth, others blend into routine and daily lives making someone like Jim seem as a familiar friend.

Blessings to those lucky enough to read this book.

G. Everett, retired public school teacher, Lincoln, NE:

I just finished reading your book and I’m extremely moved by your courage as you travel the journey of loss, grief, and pain.

In the book, you wrote that the first thing a man needs is HONOR. You have honored Jim by writing your book and he would have been thrilled to the core of his soul to know what you have done for him.

I truly believe his spirit surrounds you each and every day. God sees every tear you shed, and he is well pleased with your faith.

Thank you for the honor of letting me getting to know Jim…(What a fine gentleman and gentle man) he was. You were very blessed to have him as your husband and best friend.

I believe in your strength, and that you will go on and find a special purpose. Jim wants your happiness to be real.

Michelle Butler, director/head cook for Haakon School District, South Dakota, former student of Jim’s at NCTA (Nebraska College for Technical Agriculture):

I cried just opening the front cover!!!!!

He was such an inspiration in my life!!!! I hope he knew that!!!!

I still refer to things I learned from him! Not really stuff from a book, stuff about life!:)

I sat and read the intro and the kids didn’t get why a tear rolled down my face!!!

I started the book, for real, last night!!!!

I laughed and I cried!! I felt good when I read it because it made me remember Dr. Jim and all of the times he cracked jokes in class. In many of the emails I read in your book, it was like hearing him speak!!! He was a great teacher and an exceptional man!! I know it’s hard for you and I’m only getting a glimpse of your story together…be blessed you had that time!!! I feel by reading that I know you as well.

Audrey Johnson, teacher at Douglas County School District, Denver, Colorado; retired private pre-school director, Littleton, Colorado:

Love it. What great stories to share. Each is very special…Love the early Christmas exchange story and the picnics, especially at the Garden of the Gods. I love that place. The rocks that make the sanctuary are beautiful. Makes one go down on their knees! You have some good memories. I have it now on my iPad.

Your book honors Jim and the importance of a rich Christian marriage and has many treasured memories. He will long be remembered.

Kim Benedict, private pre-school teacher assistant, Littleton, Colorado; CPA administrative assistant, Denver, Colorado:

I got your book in the mail yesterday late afternoon and started reading it after dinner last night. I FINISHED it last night before bed. I too like your sister am speechless! There is so much emotion that it is hard to explain. You really did honor Jim and I’m sure he would be so proud of you.

Those of us who know you know of your history a little can understand the feelings of your past experiences and surgeries. However, I was not prepared to feel and understand the depth of the love that you and Jim shared. I knew you were ‘in love’ with him, but not “IN LOVE” to the point that Barb, you really did become a different person and became transformed in spirit and mind, to experience letting your shields down and trusting someone and having the kind of relationship you had always longed for. I felt the joy of having experienced all the things you were looking for in that “dream come true” husband. I felt the sadness of that being taken away. I remember Jim as a wonderful, caring, intelligent person and am glad I did get to meet him. You relayed your message well, and I also enjoyed the humor you shared in your relationship. I think your story will touch many hearts and be a lasting legacy to Jim and his work.

Erin Valenzuela, certified energy specialist at Nebraska Cooperative Agriculture Center; former student of Jim’s at NCTA (Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture):

I wanted to thank you so very much for my book! I got it yesterday and what a beautiful surprise it was! I have only had time to make it to page 30 and I already was in tears several times. What a beautiful gift it has been, and thank you again for allowing me to be a part of such a beautiful thing. God Bless you, and I hope that you are doing well.

I am preparing myself to dive into it tonight. I have the Kleenex ready! You’re such an amazing person Barb! No wonder Jim fell so quickly in love with you!:) I hope that I will have the opportunity to meet you someday because I have a feeling this book may change my life before I’m done reading it. I am almost scared what feeling towards my relationships past it will make me face, but I think it’s a sign from God that it’s time to do so.

It’s strange how God works in miracles everyday without us even realizing it.

I don’t know why, or how, but He just does.

Chlo Ann Helmuth, pianist and senior choir director, Foothills Bible Church, Littleton, Colorado:

I just finished reading your book (all of it line by line) late last night. You did a very nice job organizing all the material to present it in an enticing way to prompt one to read from front to back.

Peggy Warren, retired public school teacher, La Junta, Colorado:

I read your book and really enjoyed it. I’m not sure I could be so brave. I probably would stay and wallow in all the sadness. It sure helps to think that you went through all this sorrow so that Jim could be happy for the last six months of his life. What a beautiful gift to give the love of your life!

Brenda Johannes Boyd, JOHANNES HUNTER JEWELERS, Colorado Springs, Colorado, www.johanneshunter.com:

I bought your book. I would like to share your story on our new website. We are trying to tell peoples’ stories as well as show our beautiful goodies.”

University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbia, Missouri, The Advancement Team:

We received a copy of your book, My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz. We would like to thank you for thinking of us and your book will be displayed in the school’s library.

Joyce Stone, retired elementary teacher, Centennial, Co.

What an amazing story! I experienced a range of emotions from laughter to tears as I read this book. Barb’s portrayal of Jim’s life made me regret that I had never had the privilege of meeting him. This is a book I would highly recommend.

Amazon 5 star review (www.amazon.com) – “A story of unconditional love” by Carol (KC) Dierenfield, Founder and President of Reigning Peace Ministries and Certified Instructor for “Relational Wisdom 360”, Peacemaker Ministries

I know Barbara personally and she had prayed for a godly husband for years, and her dream finally came true with Jim. This book is an incredible story with Christ as their center. I laughed and cried throughout and had a hard time putting the book down. What a story of unconditional love with their communication well documented. By the time you get done reading this book (make sure you have a box of Kleenex by your side) you feel like you know both Jim and Barbara personally as your dear close friends. I would recommend this book to anyone as it will give you encouragement and hope.

Amazon 5 star review (www.amazon.com) – A love story like no other By Karen S. Lowe (Volunteer Program Director at Mission Hills Church, Volunteer at havenfriends.org and Ladie’s Bible Study at Volunteer/Co-Teacher, Littleton, CO.)
What a blessing this was for me to read. I couldn’t put it down. I started reading it last night and finished this morning. Thank you for your vulnerability. Merry Christmas Barb. Know you will be in my thoughts and prayers this December 31, 2013.”

facebook post (Karen Lowe)

“A true love story like no other. What a blessing to all who read it. I started reading last night and finished this morning. I couldn’t put it down.”

4 Star Amazon.com review “Beautiful memoir of a God written love story…” By Elizabeth – ‘God is the Author of Marriage’ ministry

This book was beautifully written by a loving and devoted wife. It tells the remarkable story of a Godly relationship and how over time it blossomed into a loving, Godly marriage. With original emails included, we are swept away into the captivating love story of Barb and James.

The author leaves nothing out and bares her soul for all to read. Very brave I must add! I have enjoyed reading this book and will be recommending it to others.

I think the author’s main goal was to write a book in memory of her dear husband and show honor to his memory. Which she did! However she also gives the reader a picture of a TRUE love story and shares how being faithful to God brought her, her Boaz. A true gift from God! Something I took away after reading this book was – age does not matter when it comes to love. True love is timeless and will defeat all odds. Being faithful in prayer brings many blessings.

facebook post from Elizabeth – God is the Author of Marriage Ministry
“As you know I am an avid reader. I got the chance to read a beautiful book written by one of our very own members here at God is the Author of Marriage. This book is based on a true love story. Barbara Kennedy writes a true memoir of her own Godly relationship. From the time she prayed for her Boaz, their relationship and ultimately their wedding. The book shares tons of original emails from their time together.You will be swept away as you read and soon realize TRUE LOVE really is timeless.”
“Comment” – LoRee Peery, author of the Frivolities Series. “The love between these two is better than any novel I’ve read!”

facebook post/review by Greg Rud, professional photographer, Lucas, Kansas Rural Routes by Greg Rud

I have been reading this book, My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz, by one of our trailmates, Barbara A. Kennedy. It is a love story, one that takes you to highest peaks, and then takes you to it’s tragic conclusion. She is just a simple Nebraska girl who has been through a lot in life and it’s a great read and a very inspiring story.

She loves horses and here she is posing with one at a rescue ranch … She has been a teacher, and now volunteers helping young kids on these ranches. She is quite the angel in my book. Show her some love and check out her page, maybe buy her book, too! You can preview a lot of excerpts from the book on her blog and fb pages as well.

5 Star www.Amazon.com review from TrxanRose

I found myself laughing and crying with the author. This is a very touching, real look into the gift of love.

5 Star www.Amazon.com review, Daniel L. Carter, Retired, Youngstown, Ohio.

Having been married three times, I wish I had read this book much sooner. There are a lot of emotions, expectations and hopes that build a lasting marriage, and I found I was solely focused on my own. I was the man of the house and the king of the castle. I would get what I wanted. Well you can see that didn’t work too well. Sometimes, it was the right feelings but the wrong reasons. After reading this book I think I can better appreciate my wife’s needs and expectations and still maintain my manhood while showing romance and deep emotions. Read the book twice, much slower the second time, and feel the emotions of both. I think in doing so you will build your own understanding of both sides, and that is very important. If you have found your relationship becoming rocky or in troubled waters, this book is your lifeline. Use this book to write a new chapter in your romance.

5 Star www.amazon.com review by Brenda Sue Linzey Kerr, San Saba, Texas.

This is the sweetest love story I have ever read. Barbara truly explains what a real marriage is like built on the prinicple’s of God’s design for marriage. I want to purchase more copies of this book to give as gifts. This book will help men and women alike to understand how they should love each other the way Jesus loves the Church. I would recommend this book to everyone I see. It will touch you in so many ways. God Bless you Barbara Kennedy for sharing this with the world.

5 Star www.amazon.com review by Robert L Kerr, San Saba, Texas. A Man’s Point of View””This book by Barbara Kennedy might have been penned by Cupid himself. It is so simple in it’s eloquence, the way it describes love between two people as if authored by Christ Himself. I am so impressed by the entire book from the emails, events and adventures experienced by this loving couple that it could only be written by someone who has had a true heavenly love affair. Buy the book, read the book and practice it’s content. Barbara Kennedy, in writing My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz, has set the bar for true and faithful marraiges that are heavenly ordained.

5 Star www.amazon.com Amazon review by Michael R. Davison, June 2, 2014.

A Touching and Revealing Story.

A touching and revealing story of two people who in the midst of loss, loneliness, and tragedy found new love with each other through Divine intervention in Jesus Christ. A book that you won’t want to put down!

5 Star www.amazon.com Amazon review by Marilyn M. Roberts July 7, 2014.

A Once in a Lifetime Romance.

I have always loved reading, but for many years had no time. This is a heartfelt journey of a man and woman that began online. It called back memories of a book by Catherine Marshall “A Man Called Peter” that I read years ago as a young Christian with a husband, two children and a job. I’ll have to read that one again to discover why memories of it came to to me while reading this one. Once U started I spent the day reading and the ending was something I never imagined. I would highly recommend this book to all whether you be just a romance lover, Christian or not.

5 Star www.amazon.com Amazon review by Ashley M. Vandeberghe July 15, 2014.

Awesome book, wonderful testimony to what true love really…

Awesome book, wonderful testimony to what true love really is and what true romance looks like! Dr. Kennedy was indeed a perfect example of a Godly husband who modeled after Jesus Christ, as Barbara says. This book is great for anyone who wants a true, Christian love story, and also for those who may be struggling with losing their own spouses. 5 Stars for Barb!