
What’s in a Heart?


All we really want is just to be loved. This is what our hearts want.

7-16-15 Gracie & Patti 034I love my foal “Gracie” (“Pattis Belle”). She has a place in my heart. This position was cemented in my heart the day she was born. 7-16-15 Gracie & Patti 078


.Birds and Freedom for Gracie 040 My love for her has grown even stronger in the last 10 months since her birth. Grosbeak, Lauren & G, G. moves 041


Gracie’s picture was chosen to be in the June, 2016 American Quarter Horse Association America’s Horse magazine, page 6. AQHA Magazine & Gracie 014What an honor. But this doesn’t make me love her any more. I love her just for herself.

AQHA Magazine & Gracie 022AQHA Magazine & Gracie 016

What’s in a heart? “Secretariat”, the American Thoroughbred 1973 U.S. Triple Crown winner, had a heart about 2 3/4 times as large as the average horse. This was due to the “x factor”-a genetic condition passed down via the dam (mother’s) line. It was estimated to weigh around 22 pounds! He obviously had a huge heart and gave his all running his races.Secretariat_at_stud His heart held power like a huge, heavy engine.

Who can romance us? Who is jealous for us? Who loves us more than any human on earth? Who can hold our hearts?

God. God wants our hearts. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” ~Ezekiel 36:26~ This is what we truly want. We want to have our hearts wanted!

We must believe God has a good heart despite all the bad things that happen on earth.

Jim Kennedy had a good heart. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel his love even without touch. He always put me first. He was never selfish. He never lied and always wanted the best for me. He always kept his promises. He was an excellent husband. I could only trust and love him if I knew his heart was good. We can only trust and love God if we know His heart is good. God’s heart is good. I knew true love with Jim and that was just a taste of how much God loves us. This is how I personally can pierce the mystery of what love is.



Though Jim is gone, I can still feel his love. How? “The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched-they must be felt in the heart.” Helen Keller

Grosbeak, Lauren & G, G. moves 047 Have you experienced real love from or with a human, perhaps from a pet, or giving something away that you love that brings you joy just from giving? Do you have a permanently heart-etched love from God? who … “demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” ~Romans 5:8~

What’s in your heart? Can your heart hold love as big as the moon?P1010182 I believe it can. Our hearts have the capacity to hold an infinite love not from something one can do for us, or what we can do for them, or what we can acquire from another or a thing, but simply being loved just for us! That is what we want in our hearts. God is after just “us!”


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