

Helping at Combat Veterans Cowboy Up

Star Patty MUCK 023

I have spent a wonderful spring and summer helping at two ranches that serve rescued horses, youth, and veterans. What have I learned since I lost “My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz,” Jim Kennedy? Three words.

After 5 total joint replacements, loss of work, losing my one true love after only 4 months of marriage, loss of children and new family, trying to survive through life’s traumas and moving 4 times in 2 years, all alone … What could my purpose in life possibly be? How can I overcome?

I dove into multiple widows groups, women’s Bible studies, community classes, read the Psalms at night out loud for comfort, talked to multiple pastors and others who have undergone similar tragedies, spoke to a hurting widows group, and still was thwarted with the dilemma of how to survive! Then my cries were answered with two amazing places to volunteer using my love of horses and children! One is a horse rescue ranch which pairs the horses with hurting youth, one horse named “Boaz,” a beautiful black thoroughbred (no way this could not have been divinely orchestrated), www.thesonandreinsranch.yfc.net/.

Boaz 018Youth and “Boaz” the rescue horse

Youth and “Zoe” the rescue horse Zoe, Houdini trains, VA vets pics 018

Whisper doc 014Youth with “Malachi” the rescue horse

Teaching youth how to pick horse hoovesSept. session + 034

The other divinely chosen place is www.combatveteranscowboyup.org which serves hurting PTSD, TBI and sexually traumatized military using their highly successful equine program. I have witnessed miracles when the veterans attend these nationally acclaimed equine assisted learning sessions. I help with horse care, scoop poop, assist with sessions, aiding the veterans and their families. I love this program, the horses and the veterans!

Geld, Herd session-3 guys 040 Geld, Herd session-3 guys 027 Geld, Herd session-3 guys 036

Combat Veterans Cowboy Up Equine Program

Oct.vets session 020

So what three words shouted out in my mind and changed my life and my attitude? “USE YOUR PAIN”!!!!! We are to use our pain to help others! …

2 Corinthians 1:4 says, “He’s the one who comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort other people who are in every kind of trouble, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

I have a wonderful new life volunteering for these two powerful programs in some way, every day.

If you want to feel better about life … help others! USE YOUR PAIN! Farrier Dennis & Vet Session 038 Zoe 033




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