

Acro.session + 023 What was the foretaste I was blessed with from Dr. Jim Kennedy?2:17Gracie meets me in pasture(my yearling “Gracie”/AQHA “Pattis Belle”)


Could I have received a foretaste of heaven? Could I have experienced a foretaste of the love of Christ? The Bible parallels a husband’s love for his wife and that of Christ’s love for the church. Jim was not perfect, but he did represent the church, the body of Christ on earth. He put Christ first, then me, his wife. He showed purity and holiness. He worshipped the Lord. He was disciplined and confessed his sin. We fellowshipped at church and he defended the truth of the gospel.

Jim exemplified a humble, positive, all-provisional, all-consuming love that only after his death, I can clearly see his example of Christ.

Gracie and John 7-16-15 033 “Who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?” ‘declares the Lord.’ “So you will be my people and I will be your God.” Jeremiah 30: 21-22.

Jim had been crushed with the death of his longtime wife before meeting me, but still chose to go on and open his heart to love again and bring us both closer to God. He kept believing even when it did not make sense.

Married to “my Boaz”, I experienced friendship, goodness, gentleness, safety, acceptance, peace, rest, provision, patience, comfort, correction, compassion, love, joy, trust, truth, mercy, kindness and humility. He often reminded me, “Attitude determines altitude.” Jesus’ life was the definition of humility. Jim was one of the most humble and comforting people I will ever know. As Ruth said to Boaz in the Bible, “You have comforted me by speaking so kindly to me.” Ruth 2:13.

One of our favorite songs was “When Love Finds You” by Vince Gill. We listened to it almost every night going to sleep. (p. 179). There were many nights we both shed tears listening to this song.

“Love is the power that makes your heart beat

It can make you move mountains, make you drop to your knees

When it finally hits you, you won’t know what to do

There is nothin’ you can say, when love finds you.”



Jim and I often just looked into each other’s eyes, reading each other’s souls with only a few words or sometimes silence. (p. 260).6182931616_d4bb5ae4f4_m  LOVE RING

I could never believe what intensity of love Jim and I had for each other. I now understand Jim’s love was a sampling of what Christ’s love is for me and the whole world. All our love was an expression to me of God’s love in a way I had never known before or since. I believe God used Jim for me to see this. Even in such a short time, I was changed forever. I had a foretaste of heaven and of the love of Jesus Christ and God the Father.


“I have loved you, my people with an everlasting love, with unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself.” Jeremiah 31:3.

I see Jim’s example of a “Christ-follower” as deepening my faith in the one true God. Thank you, Father Almighty, for sending your Son Jesus and thank you for allowing me the foretaste of this love through a man named, Dr. James A. Kennedy. reunion2010




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