


James1 002-3 December 31, 2015: I am honoring My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz Dr. Jim Kennedy today by re-posting my facebook post from last year, December 31, 2014. This is all I can think of to do to keep honoring him and remembering him as the best thing that ever happened in my life. And frankly, it’s all I can handle to blog about this time of year.


“IN HONOR OF … Four years ago today, on New Year’s Eve 2011, I found my beloved newlywed husband dead. James A. Kennedy, DVM, MS was the most tender, loving man I had ever met. So in my still-grieving heart, I post his pictures to still honor him and in knowing I will see him again someday in heaven. I still can not say ‘Happy New Year’ or respond as such when it is said to me. So to my friends on facebook, here is my post for today … In honor of Jim Kennedy.”

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