
HEADLINE…”Two old people fall into a forever love! Unbelievable story with an unbelievable ending!”

Why read this book?…Because there is nothing like it!

How can you trust it is different from any other book of its kind on the market? Because this is a true love story, including original e-mail messages between a lonely woman who asks, “Who is ever gonna want me?” and a humble, lonely veterinarian who find each other, marry, and live through the deepest love and deepest tragedy in only six months of time. It is 100% authentic and has the real words of a top U.S. large animal veterinarian who loved to fly his small plane as well as share his boundless bovine knowledge, and a lonesome and longing,free-souls-embrace-creative-commons_l disjointed woman.

There are many “short story” fiction love stories. There are many “diaries” of love affairs. There are many “memoirs”. But there are no true love stories with more than 500 actual original personal quips, photographs and images, that carry the reader along a factual journey of pursuit, a divine match, everyday life and then a total breath-taking ending. The book ends with a mind-blowing e-mail that is totally unbelievable.

You will be absorbed into an amazing love affair that progresses into the highest of joys and the deepest of traumas and has a completely unexpected ending. It is documented life in the raw.

You will ask, “How could the author open up like she did and risk everything for the whole world to see?” “How could a small town veterinarian and a big city girl ever meet?” “How did the author have the strength to write this story?” “How can you endure what life throws at you?”

Why read My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz?

  • It’s true.
  • It has real words with real joy and trauma and revelations about survival.
  • It carries the reader along in total submission to seek the ending.
  • It may contain some of the most beautiful love letters and prayers ever.
  • It has an astonishing ending.
  • All royalties go to one of Jim’s favorite veterinary organizations.

Can a book cause the reader to “gut-feel’ the character and faith of two people? Can a memoir grab your curiosity and cause you to chuckle and also cry out “How could this have happened?”

This book is also different than others because there are very few authors who give all the royalties away. In this case, they will go to veterinarians who serve worldwide.

All I wanted to do was to honor a humble man and tell the story of two people falling in the deepest love against all odds. If you want to step into two people’s lives, find out the answers to all these questions, and be inspired to embrace life with hope, this is My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz.

Kissing Couple




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