
The Miracle of the Lost Ring

2nd set lost ring pictures 003 My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz p. 249
“My personal veterinarian told me that dogs with a broken pelvis are just put in a cage for six weeks to heal on their own. I pictured myself in a cage and that made me laugh too, even though it wasn’t funny. I think I was so happy to be home again with my husband that my body knew it was good to laugh.
The night after I arrived back home, he sat me down on the couch and put my wedding ring on my finger. I placed on his wedding ring, which we had bought at the Pueblo mall before my fall. He also told me he had secretly bought himself a fine western vest and Lucchese boots for the re-vow ceremony. I sobbed with my head on his chest. He said he thought my fall was a spiritual attack. I didn’t say anything. I just pushed my body closer to his. He held me, and we both sobbed.”a-dogs-life-in-vieste_l

“Miracle” according to Webster is defined as “an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, especially to an act of God.”
I have prayed for miracles many times. They do not always occur! However, when your once-in-a-lifetime true love puts on your wedding band, and then it is very unusually lost, it is heart breaking.lost ring 001
Upon leaving for a trip to Ft. Collins, CO. to meet a group of Christian veterinarians and attend their seminar, in honor of Jim I put my wedding rings back on. Upon reaching up and opening the mailbox on the way out, my wedding band mysteriously flew off and was totally lost. I looked for 30 minutes and could not find it amongst the grass, shrubs and rocks. I had to decide whether to fall apart and cancel the trip and stay home and cry all weekend, or go to the seminar. I stomped my foot down and said, “NO, I am going to that seminar!”
The seminar sponsored by CVM (Christian Veterinary Mission) WWW.CVMUSA.ORG and hosted by CSU (Colorado State University) was outstanding! The weekend was filled with classes, mission trip adventures, and what a true “calling” is. I was so blessed attending and meeting such awesome, dedicated veterinarians and students!
The next 3 weeks I searched every day for the ring. I wore leather gloves and pushed away the shrub branches, the rocks, rusted edging and grass all around the community mailbox and examined every inch! I taped up a sign with my phone number in case someone found it. Tears gushed out during every search party! This ring was a part of Jim and I felt incomplete and distraught. I went to Lowe’s, Home Depot, Sports Authority, and Walmart and called three of the largest rental places to find a metal detector with no luck. I could buy one online for $699.99 but I needed a special unit that could detect platinum.
Miracles do happen. At a Monday night women’s Bible study, I asked all the 15 women if anyone knew of a metal detector around. One kind woman volunteered to look into this for me. She emailed the next day her fiance’ had found www.TheRingFinders.com in my city and I immediately emailed them.
A kind gentleman, Jeff Lubbert, volunteered to come out and look. It was my only hope, for the ring was definitely hiding where I could not find it.
Jeff came, and with his magical platinum detector, took 3 minutes to find it lodged deep in the grass! I immediately wept and literally bent over in shock and relief. God had answered this plea from me to give me back part of Jim. I hugged this stranger, Jeff, tightly and thanked him profusely for finding my simple band that was a million dollar gem to me!2nd set lost ring pictures 001 Miracles still occur, some small, some huge. To me, I now have my wedding rings back and have gotten down on my titanium knees many times to thank this one true Miracle God that saw fit to answer a simple woman’s pleas.

2 Comments on “The Miracle of the Lost Ring”

  1. Barbara: He hears and answers our cries for mercy. I thank Him that He never lets us down in our moment of need. His mercies are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness…. Even in the darkest hour. Thanks for sharing your walk of faith! -Dave

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