
The Four “H’s” of “My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz”

The key message of my new book is hope. Humility, humor, and honor come in as close seconds!Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 9.35.57 AM

You must have hope while searching for everlasting love. This story is really God’s story, through Jim. I am just a vehicle to tell the story. It will inspire readers to embrace romance and never lose hope. True love can happen even at an older age! This book proves real love does exist and it can be a take-your-breath-away experience. Readers will see and feel this love and also the character of Dr. Jim Kennedy. Jim and I based our lives on the hope of eternity together in heaven also. We shared this foundation of a living hope in a real God that comforts us and a happiness that is laid up for us.

Jim Kennedy’s main character trait is humility. He always put me first from the day I met him. Jim told me before we married that it was not going to be about “us”, but about me, and it was going to be “100 percent” of him for me. What an amazing basis for a successful marriage. He has been the most humble person I have ever met.

He always sought out to never boast of his accomplishments or his hard work. In his letter to the CVMA editor (Colorado Veterinary Medical Association) upon his 2007 Veterinarian of the Year Award, he stated, “To select an individual veterinarian, as being outstanding is truly impossible–every veterinarian is outstanding. Every veterinarian each day does something outstanding that warrants, but most often escapes, recognition. With my acceptance of this honor I hope all would understand that every veterinarian shares in it; it is not my honor, but the profession’s honor.”

Charles F. Stanley said, “God is far more interested in the spirit of humility than in great works. The truth is, all great works are of little value in His eyes unless they come from a spirit of humility that recognizes it is God in us who does His work.” Email after email and our true adventures in the book show Jim’s humble heart. This book proves what real love is, what real character is, and what true faith is. Jim always gave tribute to God for whatever gifts he was given, be it his intelligence, awards, blessings or faith.

Jim’s incredible sense of humor is all through the book including “Ernie the Farmer,” “The Pastor and the Purple Showercap,” “Niagara Falls, Robin Hood, and Porky Pig,” “Look, I Can Skip,Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 9.35.20 AM” and “No Crows in Church.” I have never gut-laughed so much in my entire life. What a genius scientist with a hilarious humanity!

Jim Kennedy is the most extraordinary man I will ever know. I will honor, dignify and esteem him as long as I am on this earth. All royalties from this book will go to one of Jim’s favorite veterinary organizations. This honors Jim and God. If you want to laugh, get swept away in a true romance, get in on a lonely veterinarian’s soul and a shy, hurt woman’s spirit, and learn some important life lessons, then this book is for you.







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