
Love’s Sweet Words

a-dream-turns-into-reality_lPage 283 My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz

——-Original Message——-
From: Barb Voss
To: jameskennedy
Sent: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:26 PM
Subject: “Food Glorious Food”…

Tonight’s menu: appetizer of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and basil (like at Gabriel’s Restaurant); chicken tenders marinated in soy sauce, ground ginger and ground mustard; and stir fry veggies. Whole-wheat/oat-almond mini muffins for your breakfasts or snacking pleasure. Side dish, wife.
hee hee

5:41:40 PM
Your lips are so soft and smooth they turn me on wildly and when we kiss it’s magical and sparks life into my creaky body …
How’s that for my lingustical urges?

——-Original Message——-
From: jameskennedy
To: barbvoss
Sent: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: “Food Glorious Food” …

Can I come home right now, I might want to start with dessert.


On this Christmas day, I celebrate the birth of the Christ child who came to save us from our sins.

I also thank this God for the sweetest man He could ever have given me, Jim Kennedy.

What words of sweetness that have come out of Jim’s mouth to me. Only a true love could produce such sap to stick with me for a lifetime.

How wonderful to be fed by the words of a loving husband and the words of God’s book. Only a loving God and a loving mate can provide such confection for one’s soul.loves-old-sweet-song_l

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