
Cherished Chuckles

A Few Funnies from My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz

page 25
——-Original Message——-
From: bvoss
To: jameskennedy
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:32 PM
Joke of the day:

page 27-28
——-Original Message——-
To: jameskennedy
From: bvoss
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 4:40 PM
Joke for the moment: “It’s so hot today, the chickens are laying hard boiled eggs.”
(Really corny)…heard it on Christian radio today.
Signed, Bionic Babe

——-Original Message——-
From: James Kennedy
To: bvoss
Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 12:50 PM
OK bionic babe I am laughing almost until my side aches, stop it I am a professional and have to be very straight you know.

page 37-38
——-Original Message——-
From: James Kennedy
To: Barb Voss
Sent: Fri, July 22, 2011 3:57:56 PM
I am so excited, it makes me glad they made Depends. Kidding about the Depends. Jim



page 223-224 The Pastor and the Purple Shower Cap

Pastor Chris and his wife, Jennifer, are a wonderful couple who radiate kindness and servant’s hearts. I really liked them from the instant I met them. We now needed Pastor Chris to visit and finalize the re-vow ceremony planned in Denver on October eighth. We agreed that he’d come over after dinner one night.
I never could wear a shower cap when taking showers with Jim. There was just something about wearing an ugly, plastic, purple shower cap in front of my husband. I couldn’t do it. Vanity, oh vanity. So I usually just wrapped my hair in a towel on those times when it wasn’t hair-washin’ night. Jim thought it was silly, but he never chided me.
Jim just loved me.
One of the major components to our marriage is exorbitant laughter. Jim made me laugh until my belly hurt. Then I laughed so hard that it made him laugh even more, and round and round we went on the laughter merry-go-round.
But what happened when Pastor Chris came over took me to my knees with hysterical, almost howling hilarity. One night the doorbell rang. Jim was upstairs, so I let Pastor Chris in. With the precision of a veterinarian’s and/or pilot’s timing, Jim walked down the stairs with my purple shower cap over his head. I started gasping in shock and shrieked with laughter.
Poor Pastor Chris didn’t know what was going on, but the situation was so extraordinary and infectious that he chortled with us. It was a difficult meeting that evening, for we all three sat at the table and could barely speak any words without cracking up.

page 273 No Crows during Church

One Saturday night, Jim fell asleep on his back with an open mouth and emitted new sounds of snoring. It was exactly like a crow’s caw. He would inhale normally, but the exhale was a consistent long caaawww. At first I grabbed a pillow and put it over my mouth to muffle my laughter.el-missatger-negre-the-black-messenger_l
Respecting his need for sleep, I didn’t say anything to him until morning. We both laughed heartily about it while we dressed for church.
After the hymns were sung and announcements read, Pastor Chris started his sermon. At just that perfect timing of Jim’s, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Caw, Caw, Caw.” I burst into laughter, and as much as I tried to contain myself, I couldn’t. He repeated the snoring language again in my ear. This was so rude of him, and I knew he was doing it purposely to make me laugh. It was so funny I did not know what to do. I glanced around and saw that people were looking at us. I am sure they saw a couple in love and not a couple being rude during church.

After church, I asked Jim to please never do that to me again, and then we both let out more cackles of laughter, all the way home.


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