
An Inner Heart for Dogs

Veterinarians are schooled in many varieties of animals. Most vet schools do not permit students to engage in species specialization; students must be expert in veterinary medicine covering a wide range of species rather than just one or two (such as dogs, cows, or reptiles). Most vet programs do allow students to take electives which will permit them to specialize upon graduation.

My personal veterinarian was a bovine genius. mueh_lA nationally known bovine specialist.

But his love of dogs dug down deep. He loved all kinds of canines. Beagles and weimeraners were among his favorites. Surgery on dogs was his preferred thing to do as a vet. b-gl-s_l presenting-abby_l

What does it say about a man/woman who loves animals this much and who truly cares for them and their owners? Have you ever thought of that?

CSU (Colorado State University) School of Veterinary Medicine, Ft. Collins, CO. has been ranked #2 in the country by the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (veterinary-schools.findthebest.com). The 2011 U.S. News and World Report “Best Graduate Schools in Veterinary Medicine” ranks CSU as #3 (grad-schools.usnews.rankings and reviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health-schools/veterinarian-rankings).

Dr. Jim Kennedy worked for CSU as director of the Rocky Ford, CO Diagnostic Laboratory. He spent his days doing lab work, consultations, diagnostic case results and the serving as a liaison between the Colorado Department of Agriculture and the CSU Diagnostic Lab. (He whistled happily during the entire cow necropsy he did in front of me)!

He also served as the state coordinator of the Colorado Voluntary BVD (bovine viral diarrhea virus) Control Program. It was his work in this field of study that earned him the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association service award as Colorado’s Veterinarian of the Year in 2007. This award recognizes a distinguished CVMA (Colorado Veterinary Medical Association) member who has contributed to the advancement of veterinary medicine in the state of Colorado in the areas of organization, education, research, practice or regulatory service. Dr. Kennedy set out to establish Colorado as the first state in the nation to be certified as BVD-free. Jim was also widely published and called upon to address various professional and academic endeavors.

But his favorite part of the day was coming home to his weimeraner, Annika, and his new wife. How Jim’s demeanor turned to delight when he stepped in the door after work. I am so happy he had such a good life for that remaining section of his time on this earth.

What joy Jim had for the blessings in his life. He loved his family, his wife, being a pilot, being a veterinarian, his dog, serving at his church and his God. He could make you laugh in a split second. What talent, what devotion, what a compassionate and humble heart. What a man this world was given.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22 (KJB)snow-lover_l



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