
Surprise Witness

Ever watched those old TV courtroom shows where the attorney stands and says, “Your Honor, we have a surprise witness!?” An author doesn’t know who reads their book(s). But I am honored to be a real-time witness to e-mail and Facebook friends who were…

Spare Parts

Gross! Disgusting! Stomach-turning! How dare she share these! “‘Spare part’ is an item of inventory to replace failed parts.” (Wikipedia). These x-rays “bare it all” to the world of my revised right knee, full of titanium and plastic, and my deteriorating left knee. It…

Boaz and Boaz

Boaz the horse Page 186 My Cowboy Knight, My Boaz “In my cowboy-knight-to-my-rescue mind, I always pictured my Boaz showing up some day. My Boaz had come. His name was Dr. James A. Kennedy. He was my true love. A love so deep I…